Warning: UPDATE command denied to user 'gillesgo'@'' for table 'drupal_cache' query: UPDATE drupal_cache SET data = 'a:228:{s:13:\"theme_default\";s:4:\"wabi\";s:13:\"filter_html_1\";i:1;s:24:\"statistics_day_timestamp\";i:1733901662;s:9:\"site_name\";s:13:\"Gilles\'s blog\";s:9:\"site_mail\";s:27:\"blog@gillesgouaillardet.com\";s:11:\"site_slogan\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"site_mission\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"site_footer\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"anonymous\";s:9:\"Anonymous\";s:14:\"site_frontpage\";s:4:\"node\";s:9:\"clean_url\";s:1:\"0\";s:8:\"site_403\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"site_404\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"error_level\";s:1:\"0\";s:14:\"watchdog_clear\";s:6:\"604800\";s:5:\"cache\";s:1:\"0\";s:19:\"f in /home/gillesgo/www/blog/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

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gillesgouaillardet.com in less than one hour ! | Gilles's blog

gillesgouaillardet.com in less than one hour !

After having decided to create my blog, I thought it would be nice to have my own domain name.
I checked some offers on the web and I found amen has a good one.
For only 1 euro a month ( plus vat ... ) I got the domain name gillesgouaillardet.com, and 2 mbytes to host my static pages.

Today, it only loads the real frame from http://gilles.gouaillardet.free.fr/blog where the site is actually hosted.
The price is really good, but the real impressive thing is I could do that on Sunday evening around 7pm.
Less than one hour later, everything was up and running ( domain name registration, DNS entries, static pages ... ).
So far, this is only what they claim ... and I am really glad they did it !
Unfortunatly the web interface is only in French Sad but if you can understand, I can only recommend you consider using them in order to register your domain name.